Biscotti al torroncino
Prima di darvi la ricetta però ho un debito con la mi amica Luna del blog i Barbapasticcetti, da quando sono tornata dal viaggio in USA le ho promesso di farle vedere altre foto... finalmente riesco a farlo :))))
Barbero Davide

4 uova
100 gr di Torronfette Barbero Davide
Montare per almeno 15 minuti le uova intere, nel frattempo sminuzzare piccolissime le Torronfette e aggiungerle lentamente alle uova, continuate a montare finché non otterrete dei bei picchi spumosi rendete a riferimento la foto accanto.
Chef francesa le cocina en Amelia Rueda
Chef francesa le cocina en su propia casa o en la de ella
A great option to buy commercial coffee machines
On the stage today, commercial coffee machines are increasingly popular that demand has increased at an impressive pace. Office services has become an essential part of the lives of millions of people around the world. The need for coffee has been met by commercial machines. It would not be easy to meet the needs of millions of people around the world. Commercial machines have changed the style of life of the people. Now, they have the time to enjoy this true coffee experience.
Today, people become maniacs, i.e. want to drink a coffee in front of them when they wake up in the morning. And, they feel immense pleasure if they get the coffee made by someone else. This problem can be solved by carrying one home. These machines are so good in the flavor of coffee finely made at home in a minute while offering the best of. No one can work for a cup of coffee. It is very easy to clean and maintain. Every morning, you don't have to wait long to get a SIP of coffee. Almost everyone has coffee as they are available at very reasonable prices in the market.
Due to the increase of commercial coffee demand, many companies have come up with different types of brewer. With the advent of information technology, commercial machines are available online. It saves you loads of time and money. Web sites offer different features for buyers that help them get the right product at the minimum amount of time. There are several kinds of Toronto commercial machines available on the market. Some of them are espresso machines and cappuccino machines. Different machines have different characteristics. Then, you need to find out which features you want to.
One must remember basic guidelines while you shop to yours. Need to make sure that the company selected must be of good reputation and buy their products is safe. It is a difficult task to find the best option available for you among so many varieties of machines. You should go through the specifications of each machine once, so you would be able to select the best. Ontario commercial coffee worth buying and also make your life easier.
Mr coffee & Services, Inc. offers spacious Office of programs, services, catering, vending and coffee water to satisfy a broad spectrum of users. We provide our services in GTA Toronto, London, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph and Hamilton. Rate this articleCommercial coffee machines a great choice for BuyNot rated yet
Malcolm Gwizdala has published 1 item. Article submitted on July 27, 2013. Word count: 375When opening a coffee shop, such as where to buy fresh coffee beans a water softener can make or break you because you can make your computer run more efficiently and extend the age of everything.
Written by: Tony DiCorpoThe Tassimo Brewbot appeared on the scene at the end of 2010. This small robotic character was the centerpiece of a Bosch intelligent advertising campaign. Since then they have kept appearing the words Pixie and Brew Bot. Is the question makes a difference in terms of spelling?
Written by: Ian WhyteChoosing microwave for a restaurant or commercial kitchen is a big decision. The amount of time and energy saved by installing a commercial microwave will be large, but it can be optimized to ensure that you purchase and install the oven suitable for your commercial cooking environment.
Written by: Philip LoughranMany people do not know they are losing without using one of these machines. Some people don't even know what these machines are.
Written by: Jason Hart
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Get the best specialty coffee in Singapore
There are certain things that add flavor to our life, especially in the happy aspect of life. A bite or SIP only adds a new enthusiasm on one occasion in particular. And other occasions, party or any celebration incident are incomplete without them. Example of such a thing can be candies, sweets, coffee, tea and many more. So while I fix party, one also it should make us charge of organizing these articles. I know that everyone wants to have the best articles.
So, I say the best place in Singapore, where their specialty items, you can get after a click. Consider coffee this time. Coffee is a perennial element that adds flavor to any occasion. And to search for the best coffee you can see the site called street dictionary and search for specialty coffee in Singapore. You will receive detailed information about the coffee. You have the choice to choose between the given option and choose the best. It is any cafeteria, shop, coffee maker or manufacturer you will get all information in a single click.
How cool is ringing? Even you can select raw coffee bean and serve according to your requirement. You can crush and use them when needed. By using this site you may know any damn shops and cafés related to coffee. The information is provided on this site. Either name of shop or Café, number, Web page, contact address, email Id, and many more. The entire specialty is given on the website, you only have to read and select the best choice. This site also has smart looking for features. You can find coffee shop in the area near your House. So without that order and going far, you can look at, compare and order within the specified range of the area. By clicking on the store in particular or coffee, you know much more about another variant of the products. By sitting at home, you can take the essence of shopping by selecting the best articles related to coffee.
This site has the complete solution of the problem related to coffee. With information and relevant photos you can only choose the best option. So sitting at home and planning for the perfect holiday they are not a problem now, because the street dictionary search for granted at home you can order and have fun. You can even ask and see the shops of the coffee maker and producer of beans. You get the map of the store or coffee also. So this is the full package that begins with an idea related to coffee and the end with the departure of his house.
Now matter second thought thinking of asking or doing something related to coffee. Just go to this site and look for the best options available. Your search will end with the best result in the hand. Just compare and select the best.
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Different grades of beans of coffee is grown and produces
Coffee beans are grown and produced in many parts of the world, but mostly in areas that are close to the equatorial region. The quality of the coffee depends on different natural factors which are beyond the control of farmers, but farmers need to carefully consider if high quality beans is the desired result. Crops coffee instead of height tends to produce stronger flavour characteristics and richer than the situation grown low altitude. The soil in which it is cultivated in these crops determines the distinct flavor of the produced grain.
While there is no box of standard grade coffee, coffee beans still are priced according to their quality. Perhaps one of the most expensive coffee beans is the Blue Mountain coffee. Cultivated and produced in the area of the blue mountains of Jamaica, Blue Mountain coffee is famous for its mild flavor and not too bitter taste. A packet of beans that is officially qualified as Blue Mountain coffee can easily bring many times the price of one regular coffee beans purchased in the market.
Another type of premium coffee is Kopi Luwak who hails from Indonesia. Such is the reputation of Kopi Luwak that some shops have joined such a high price as $100 or more simply for a cup of brewed espresso bean. While Indonesia is known for its rich volcanic soil and idyllic weather condition to cultivate coffee, one of the most interesting, contributing to the reputation of Kopi Luwak has nothing to do with all this. Kopi Luwak is capable of such premium because of its rarity, since the grains are grown not by people, but the civet cats.
The curious question that asked to all enthusiasts of the coffee is of course, if we find it worthwhile to pay such premium for these types of beans. All human is basically because we live in a capitalist world generally us convince often when we have two options for choosing the more expensive option will be higher. But what I've learned over the years is such stereotypes often are stunned and you must establish its definition personal good before you know if something is good for the cost recovered.
To illustrate this point further, get this simple question. There are beautiful coffee pots are displayed and sold in stores, with price tags ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. However, there are simple coffee such as drip or French press based, which cost just tens of dollars. What do you think it will produce superior beer? Unless you are a true coffee connoisseur who really understands what it takes to make a perfect drink, the most expensive are more likely to be the typical response I received from the majority of the people. It can be difficult to accept, but it turns out that the coffee maker is still better the French press.
To answer the question about what a difference they make premium coffee maker, makes a difference. However the more valid question, in my opinion, should be how much of a premium payable by a certain type of beans. That seems to me a much smarter question that all lovers of caffeine should be asking.
You want to become your own barista in your own kitchen. The prices of the French press coffeemakers are only some tens of dollars while prices of Espresso machines are in the range of hundreds. You are not alone, if you think it isn't good coffee brewed outside the French press. But in fact, actually they can produce the best cup of coffee and better still, the cheapest option. Coffee is my passion, and I like to blog about that. The more I know about coffee, most fascinates me.This post was made using the Auto Blogging Software from This line will not appear when posts are made after activating the software to full version.
Fiesta de la Mamà
Cómo preparar BROWNIES
Te brindamos esta exquisita receta sencilla y fácil de hacer, con nuestro engreído el chocolate, no te puedes perder este postre exquisito. No dejes de hacerlo.
250 gr. de mantequilla
150 gr. de cobertura de chocolate
300 gr. de azúcar
120 gr. de harina
180 gr. de nueces
huevos 04 unid.
Los Postres Peruanos como parte de nuestra historia
Tarta de Queso Light #PostresLight
Pero por si ya tienes claro lo de las meriendas y te apetece más un postre, te damos la receta para una tarta que será bienvenida en la mesa los fines de semana, un postre light y saludable, perfecto para cuidar las linea.
Los ingredientes que necesitas:
- 500 gr de queso en tarrina 0% grasa
- 2 huevos más una clara
- 2 cucharadas de maizena
- 1/2 vaso de leche desnatada
- 3 cucharadas de edulcorante líquido
- Mermelada light del sabor que prefieras o frutas del bosque
Empezar por batir la clara a punto de nieve y resérvala para más tarde, untar el molde para la tarta con margarina para evitar que se pegue y enciende el horno a 200º para que se caliente.
Mezcla con la batidora los huevos, la maizena, el edulcorante, el queso y la leche. Cuando esté bien batido añade la clara a punto de nieve.
Ya tienes la masa, ahora al horno durante una media hora y cuando se haya enfriado la guardas en la nevera otras dos horas. Ya estará lista y podrás decorarla cubriéndola con la mermelada que hayas elegido o con las frutas del bosque.
Recetas de Postres con platano
Esta es otra riquisma opción para nuestros invitados, no dejes de sorprendenlos.
Plátano dulce pero verde ( no muy maduro para poder trabajar)
Manjar de leche o la crema de su preferencia.
Cobertura de chocolate
No olvides recomendar a tus amigos el blog de EL POSTRE PERUANO donde encontrarás las recetas más faciles y rápidas de preparar.
¿Cómo se prepara el Budin Peruano?
- 12 bizcochos dulces
- 2 tarros de leche evaporada
- 8 huevos
- 1 1/2 de azúcar
- 200 gr de pecanas picadas (llamada también nuez de la isla)
- Ralladura de naranja
- 1 copa de pisco
- 1 1/2 de margarina
- Almíbar
- Una cucharita de escencia de vainilla
Patricia Richer en el sitio Avenida Trendy
Place to be: La Terrasse, French CuisineMis à jour : il y a 10 heures · Pris à Restaurant La Terrasse
Podés iniciar la aventura con una entrada de su Hommenade pâté (paté casero) o con un plato fuerte el Blanquette de veau (estofado de ternero), entre muchas otras opciones.
El horario es de lunes a viernes 12:00 m.d. a 2:30 p.m. y de 7:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. y los sábados 7:00 p.m. a 10:00 p.m. Recordá que solamente podés ir con reservación, se recomienda llamar dos días antes y además, solamente se acepta efectivo. También tenés la opción de pedir chef a domicilio. Teléfono: 8939-8479.
Menú gallego
Sopa de queso
6 patatas
50 gramos de tocino
40 gramos de queso d O Cebreiro
1 litro de caldo de pollo
1 cebolla
3 ramas de apio
3 ramas de perejil
1/2 vaso de leche
2 rebanadas de pan tostado
4 cucharadas de aceite
Preparación paso a paso
Pelar la cebolla, cortarla y sazonar en aceite a fuego lento.
Cuando empiece a tomar color añadir el tocino cortado en trocitos y freír durante unos minutos.
Añadir las patatas cortadas en dados y las ramas de apio freír todo siempre a fugo suave durante diez minutos más.
Añadir el caldo y se cuece todo tapado hasta que las patatas estén casi deshechas.
Se retira el apio y se añade la leche y el perejil bien picado. Sírvase con el queso y el pan cortado en trocitos.
Tomates rellenos de bonito
1 lata grande de atún
1 huevo
Salsa mayonesa
Preparación paso a paso
Preparar el relleno con migas de atún, huevo duro picado, alcaparras y una pizca de pimienta.
Vaciar los tomates por la parte superior, rellenar con pasta y cubrirlos luego con mayonesa.
Adornar con una aceituna en el centro.
Ensalada de lomos de pez espada en tinta de calamar
300 gr. de lomos de espada en escabeche
1 tomate grande
1 cebolla morada
Unas hojas de lechuga
Unas hojas de escarola
Unas hojas de endibia y de chicorino rojo(pueden ser sustituidas por colecitas de bruselas)
Un buen chorro de aceite de oliva virgen
El zumo de un limón
Sal gorda, rosada
2 dientes de ajo
1 bolsita de tinta de calamar
1cucharada de perejil picado
Preparación paso a paso
Cortamos los ajos en láminas.
Ponemos el aceite en una sartén a fuego lento y añadimos las láminas de ajo. Cuando estén transparentes, añadimos los lomos de espada y los templamos.
Troceamos los vegetales (lechuga, escarola y endibias, chicorino), las lavamos y las secamos bien.
Disponemos las lechugas mezcladas en el centro del plato.
Pelamos el tomate, le quitamos las pepitas y lo cortamos en dados.
Cortamos la cebolleta en rodajas. Añadimos ambos ingredientes a la ensalada.
Una vez templados los lomos de espada, los sacamos y los disponemos alrededor de las lechugas.
Por último, retiramos la sartén del fuego y le añadimos el zumo de limón y seguidamente la tinta disuelta en un poquito de agua.
Tal cual sale, lo utilizaremos a modo aliño, repartiéndolo por toda la ensalada.
Sazonamos el conjunto con un poco de sal gorda y espolvoreamos el perejil.
Langosta en salpicón
1 langosta de 700 o 800 gr.
1 cebolla
1 pimiento morrón
2 huevos cocidos
aceitunas verdes
sal, aceite, vinagre y pimienta
Preparación paso a paso
Cocer la langosta y dejar enfriar
La vinagreta; picar la cebolla, el pimiento, las aceitunas, el perejil y la clara de 1 huevo a todo ello le añadimos el aceite, vinagre, la sal y la pimienta.
Pelamos la langosta y reservamos la cabeza y la cola para decorar. Troceamos la langosta en lonchas y la colocamos en la fuente y adornamos con la cola y la cabeza que hemos reservado anteriormente.
Rociamos la langosta con la vinagreta y le rayamos las yemas del huevo que habíamos reservado para decorar.
Torrijas caramelizadas con dulce de leche
Ingredientes para las torrijas
150 g de miga de pan de molde
¾ l de Leche
½ l de Nata
180 g de Azúcar
1 Vainilla
Ingredientes para el dulce de leche
1 l de Leche
100 g de Nata
1 Vainilla
1 Canela
250 g de Azúcar moreno
Preparación paso a paso
Hervir la leche junto a la nata, el azúcar y la vainilla y echar la mezcla encima del pan.
Dejar reposar durante 12 horas y escurrir.
Caramelizar con el azúcar moreno.
Para el dulce de leche
Hervir la leche y la nata con los aromas (vainilla y canela).
Añadir el azúcar moreno a la mezcla y remover a fuego lento.
Cuando espese, retirar los aromas y enfriar.
Emplatar y servir con fresas y frutos rojos.
POSTRES FACILES DE PREPARAR : TIRAMISU - Un postre italiano que cautiva a los peruanos
Una deliciosa receta de postres fáciles es el Tiramisu, un postre de origen italiano, que los peruanos hemos adoptado dulcemente, te brindamos una receta sencilla de este delicioso postre, hecho a base de café y queso mascarpone, espero que disfrutes este postre fácil de hacer.
500 gr de mascarpone
6 huevos
6 cucharadas de azúcar
1 sobre de azúcar vainillado
Café fuerte
Ron o Pisco Peruano
400 ó 500 gr. de bizcochos
2 tazas de azúcar
1/4 de taza de agua
Para la crema
12 huevos
3 latas de leche evaporada
3 latas de leche condensada
esencia de vainilla
Poner en una cacerola el azúcar y el agua, agregamos el jugo de medio limón, dejar que tome color,
jugo de medio limón, es un color caramelo el que tiene que quedar, retiramos y vaciamos en el molde y bañamos todos los bordes y el centro.
En un bol colocamos 12 huevos y la batimos a punto de tortilla, le agregamos la leche evaporada y la leche condensada, vaciar la mezcla en el molde y llevas al horno de 200 gr por una hora en baño maría.
¿Cómo se prepara la Gelatina Cappuccino? - Postres a base de café
- 2 1/2 taza leche
- 1/2 taza endulzante sin calorías granulado
- 3 cucharada café soluble
- 3 sobre gelatina sin sabor hidratada en 1 taza de agua
- 1/2 taza crema batida
- 1/4 taza endulzante
- 1 al gusto chispas de chocolate
- 1 al gusto canela molida
¿Cómo se prepara un Frappé de Oreo? - Un postre rico y fácil de preparar
Disuelve la gelatina sin sabor en el microondas y agrega a la mezcla anterior, retira del fuego, coloca en tazas para capuchino deja enfriar un poco y mete a tu refrigeradora. Poner la crema en tu batidora junto con el endulzante granulado, deja levantar hasta que se formen picos, poner en la refrigeradora. Sirve la gelatina cuando esté cuajada, encima pon un poco de crema batida, chispas de chocolate y canela molida.
- Una taza de arroz
- Una lata de leche evaporada
- 1 1/2 taza de azúcar
- 5 tazas de agua
- Una cucharadita de esencia de vainilla
- Una tira de canela grande
- Una pizca de sal
- Canela molida
- Hervir en una cacerola agua on canela y sal
- Luego de hervir, añadir el arroz
- Dejar cocinar hasta que seque
- Agregar la leche y el azúcar, moviendo hasta que tome punto
- Antes de retirar la preparación del fuego verter la vainilla
- Servir en dulceras y espolvorear canela molida